How cautious are you when accepting an offer?

Do you know about these steps?

Octavian Panchici
January 27, 2022

How to apply for a job the right way!

1. Do your research.

References are key! I can’t stress this enough, but take the time to research companies that interest you.

The last thing you want is to be stuck with an agency that doesn’t respect their employees or give them the proper training they need. This will help you find a company that’s right for you and has a good reputation.

2. Don't be afraid to ask question.

Get all of your questions answered before signing an agreement with a company. There is nothing worse than being forced into a contract that you know you won’t be able to handle or wanting to back out.

It’s important to be able to trust the company you’re working with and if they can’t answer your questions willingly, it may be time for you to move on.

3. Make sure their value match yours.

It’s vital that you look over any contract very carefully before signing anything. In most cases, the company will have a set of “rules” they expect you to follow. Whether it be respecting your managers or being on time for work, make sure you are okay with everything before signing.

4. Find out what kind of support is offered.

Most companies offer guidance and training sessions that help prepare new recruits for the real world. If a company doesn’t offer this kind of support, it may be time to reconsider whether or not you want to work with them. This is a huge deciding factor in finding your dream job.

5. Consider what other perks they can offer you.

Many companies help their employees receive discounts for gyms and other fitness centers, while some will even go as far as to provide free haircuts and other such services. If a company can’t (or isn’t willing to) provide these little extras for you, definitely look elsewhere.

6. Make sure they treat their employees fairly.

It should go without saying but make sure the company does what they say and treat all their employees with fairness. Whether you’re an intern or a manager, everyone should be treated equally and given the same perks and opportunities.

7. Protect yourself with a contract.

This should go without saying but always read through your contract carefully before signing anything. It’s important to understand just what you are getting into and what the company expects out of you, as well. If you are uncomfortable with any part of the contract it would be easy to negotiate or remove those parts before signing anything.

8. Don't be afraid to leave.

It may sound like a lot of work or hassle to find another company, but if there is one in the same city, you have a much better chance of landing a job. If you find out that working for that company isn’t right for you, don’t be afraid to leave. There are plenty of other opportunities out there and it would be beneficial if you were able to ensure them that you know what they are looking for. Even if you have to wait a little while, it’s important to have the right fit.

9. Have fun!

Above all else, remember this is supposed to be an enjoyable experience! No one wants to work for an unpleasant company and you should never settle for less. If something doesn’t feel right, don’t be afraid to leave and allow yourself the chance to seek out something better.

Octavian has over 6 years of experience working within the recruitment industry. He has worked both in the UK and Romanian market and he has helped various blue chip organisations secure valuable talent from junior to executive level. His main areas of expertise are within the IT and Financial Industry.